8 Obvious Red Flags to Identify Crazy Woman or Girl Friend
Within such insanity in the world today, knowing how to spot nut job before engaging in conversation or god forbid starting dating is a must. This article outlines 8 Red Flags which point towards you getting more than you bargained for.
1. Bright Coloured Hair
Throughout nature for millions of years, bright colors have often served as warning signs—certain frogs and insects, are examples of such who use their seemingly unnatural colors to signify potential danger or toxicity to others. In human culture, there is good argument to be made that the Apple did not fall to far from the tree and that their is a strong correlation between bright unnatural hair colours and crazy.

2. Nose Rings and body piercings
When it comes to spotting “red flags,” body modifications are high on the list to be weary of. Take septum piercings, for instance. While often seen by those who wear them as a symbol of rebellion and free will, ironically septum rings have historically been used as a control mechanism for unruly farm animals. An ironic co-incidence or something more?

3. Tattoos
What’s the difference between graffiti covered warehouse and a woman littered with tattoos? Not much usually, both are viewed as meaningless scribble by others and a clear sign of abandonment or some greater issue. While it might be seen as a form of misguided expression from those who created it, you never see graffiti and its permanent destruction of beauty in a healthy well functioning societies.

4. Following the latest ‘thing’
Blindly following the latest “thing” is a clear signal a lack of independent critical thinking, especially when it comes to jumping on the latest social media bandwagon to mindlessly virtue signal, such as Black Lives Matter, Ukraine and Free Palestine etc. Does she even know where Ukraine and Palestine is on the map?
In a relationship, this erratic behavior is a solid red flag the person has no genuine beliefs and is easily influenced from external sources, potentially resulting in unpredictability and being someone you cannot trust.

5. Believes in ‘Woke’ Identity Politics & Communism
Lets get real, anyone who believes and is invested in ‘Woke’ ideology or Communism is not living in the real world. This segment of the community make it their purpose in life to be perpetually offended and treat victimhood as normal, making it their mission to take on all the perceived injustice in the world. They will never be happy or content, always fighting trying to find new enemy’s.
Similar to those who support the latest ‘thing’, these people are delusional and when taken seriously, only tear down society and those around them. There was a reason we use to lock these people away in padded rooms!

6. Driven on Emotion and Ignorance
Allowing woman to vote and women’s suffrage is often regarded as one of the largest proponents to the collapse of Western Society! A frightening number of woman are easily deceived through emotion and able to be manipulated into making catastrophic harmful decisions. One of the fears of why their was so much reluctance allowing woman to vote in the first place.
Examples of this include the #RefugeesWelcome campaign which saw millions of refugees flood into Europe, skyrocketing violent crimes and destroying the fabric of society. Betraying both the safety of woman and country as whole.
A test and red flag to check for is to see if your woman is so easily fooled into ‘letting the fox into hen house’, something as simple as asking if ‘should biological trans men be allowed into woman’s bathrooms?’ is a good possible question.
7. Cannot handle their emotions
A red-flag that almost speaks for itself and will make itself very well known is woman unable to control their emotions. The recent election of Trump in 2024 is a shocking example of such. If you see this, Run Away and don’t look back!
8. Anti-depressants & other medications
While medications are important part of staying healthy, if your partner is popping enough pills in the morning to make Big Pharma blush, you should be very concerned! In particular the long term dependence of SSRI’s which is a big indicator of deeper unresolved issues which crazy is both the treatment for and side effect of crazy.

What Red Flags do you use to sense trouble? Share your thoughts in the comments below