Why Is Immigration Deliberately Out Of Control?

One question that seems to be on everyone’s mind is, “Why is immigration out of control, and why is my government bringing in so many immigrants into an already oversaturated market?” This post will present my personal views on the more controversial reasons I believe our Western governments are deliberately pursuing these self destructive policies.

Wage Compression & Growing Exploitable Replacement Workforce

Politicians and the media often claim that open borders are necessary to address labor and skills shortages, but the real motive appears to be about importing a foreign workforce that stagnates and puts downward pressure on wages, making it harder for local workers to negotiate a fair wage. Immigrant workers, often willing to accept lower pay and poorer conditions, offer big businesses a more affordable labor pool, which significantly reduces costs.

This influx of a more malleable workforce benefits corporations who bank roll governments through donations and taxes, as many of these workers are less likely to push for higher wages or improved working conditions due to fear of job loss or deportation. By prioritizing business interests and keeping wages suppressed, governments can sustain economic growth while widening the wealth gap between big business and the working class.

Quest For Infinite Economic Growth & GDP

In the quest for unlimited economic year after year growth, governments often pursue immigration policies to boost total GDP, focusing on consumption-based growth. By increasing the population, their is more people contribute to overall spending, which inflates economic figures for both the country and corporations within it. However, this approach prioritizes sheer numbers of people rather than the quality of life or economic contribution each individual produces, as measured by GDP per capita.

An example of this opening the flood gates ‘Quantity over Quality’ can be found in the ‘Long-term international migration, provisional: year ending December 2023‘ report which shows the top countries migrants are coming from are India and Nigeria as opposed to from other EU countries or other highly developed economy’s .

This focus on expanding the economy through consumption masks underlying issues such as a less productive economy and increased strain on public resources like Healthcare, ultimately benefiting big business and government revenue more than individual citizens.

Aging and Declining Population, Avoiding a Population Collapse

One of the key justifications behind mass immigration policies is the need to counteract the effects of an aging and declining population. As birth rates fall and life expectancy rises, many Western nations face a shrinking workforce and increased pressure on social services. Older citizens are retiring faster than younger generations can replace them, and essentially population going off a cliff.

Currently in the UK according to the Office Of National Statistics, our countries fertility rate is 1.49 children per woman as of 2022 where the minimum replacement to ensure long-term “natural” replacement of the population should be closer to 2.08. In short, ‘people are not having babies’.

Instead of supporting new couples through tax incentives and polices, immigration has become the convenient solution for governments to quickly fill labor gaps with cheaper, foreign workers.

The simple reality of this is down to poor planning that children consume resources like education and don’t contribute economically until they’re adults, while immigrant workers can step into roles immediately, keeping the economy running without the long-term investment of raising a new generation. This approach, however, may only be a short-term fix, sidestepping the broader issue of a population on the brink of collapse and bring in social issues as the demographics of the country get replaced.

Buying Votes & ‘Progressive’ Points

One of the more controversial aspects of mass immigration is the potential political motive behind granting foreigners the right to vote in elections. By expanding voting rights to non-citizens or newly naturalized immigrants, governments can effectively shift the electorate in their favor. Immigrants may be more likely to support the parties that facilitated their entry and provided social services, giving those governments a loyal voter base instead of conservative party’s that would seek to deport them.

This strategy can serve as a tool to keep more conservative or nationalist governments out of power. By shaping the demographics of the electorate, liberal or progressive parties ensure continued political dominance, often appealing to immigrant communities with promises of welfare benefits, job opportunities, and lenient immigration policies. The result is a growing voter base that supports policies maintaining open borders, potentially overriding the interests and preferences of native-born citizens who may lean towards more conservative values.

This point was highlighted by Elon Musk in relation to the 2024 US Elections, due to the increasing push from Democrats to allow non US citizens to vote which could create a situation to permanently swing who got into power.

Recruiting For The Next Big War

A less discussed, but subject becoming more relevant as each days passes, is using mass immigration to bolster military recruitment. With a shrinking native domestic population and fewer people willing to enlist for various reasons, this is leading to a military recruiting crisis in most Western Countries leaving countries with limited ability to fight a conflict.

Foreign immigrants could be seen as a solution as it could provides a pool of eager recruits should policy be changed to allow military service to act as a fast track to citizenship.

This strategy can serve multiple purposes including:

  1. It fills the ranks of the military with individuals to prepare for future conflicts without politically unpopular measures like reinstating a draft or conscription.
  2. Government will have a ready supply of soldiers for potential wars, avoiding resistance from citizens who might oppose large-scale military engagements.
  3. Provide the government with a force who would be less reluctant to commit violence on their own local population should their be civil unrest.


From wage suppression to propping up an aging economy, it’s pretty clear governments are use immigration as a short-term fix while avoiding long-term solutions. While mass-immigration can offer immediate economic benefits, it often masks deeper structural problems that remain unaddressed and lead to systemic problems that are impossible to fix. Our governments may be merely postponing an inevitable collapse and kicking the can as far down the road as they can in hope they retire before its over.

What are your thoughts. Is this immigration crisis manufactured, and for what purpose?

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